World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis

Another Day

I got woken up this morning by my dog trying to get under my covers, I can never decide if that is cute or annoying. Sometimes like today I don't really mind but some other days I get really annoyed.

Had church today. But to be honest, I didn't really take anything in. Usually am keen as for church, but the past couple months or so I have been making myself go, and the days that I don't go I feel that whatever I am doing is way more productive then church. I love the people that I have become friends with, but sometimes I just get irritated by what the Pastor is saying. Some of the things seem so... demeaning? I guess is the right word for this description.

I have fallen in love with 'Superman' by Five for Fighting. It is such a sad song, but it is so lovely. For some incredibly strange reason it has been matching my mood for the past week or so, not saying that I am depressed and sad. It just seems to describe the way I am feeling in general.

My photo is just the spare lens of my camera held up against one of the walls in my room. Forgot to take my camera with me today so that is what I came up with! My creative streak is quite sad haha.

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