Decisions decisions.
I will be showing photographs not bantams at Chipping and district Agricultural and Horticultural Show.It is every bit as closely fought as every one of the classes, whether that be honey, floristy, dairy and beef cattle, working horses, show jumpers, fell runners, etcetera etcetera as the King of Siam might have said. I entered at Great Ecclestone, via post, as she who must be obeyed had booked for Tenerife. Well, I couldn't be ungrateful, and turn down the chance to further entente cordiale by eating and drinking to my hearts content. Somebody's got to do it. The steward Fiona, kindly agreed to submit my entries and then post them and my "winnings" back to me. I am always amazed at the kindness of strangers and this goes a long way to restoring my faith in human nature. Thanks again Mrs. Drummond. I achieved a 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th. Now don't think that I will be buying any of you a new car, I mean I would if I could, but the winnings totalled up, did not cover the entry fees. It's the taking part that matters, and preserving that fast disappearing breed, the Great British eccentric. Adios.
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