An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Green around the Gills!

Just a short message today as I feel totally yuk!

Didn't feel great yesterday and almost called off visit to D & L's but hate letting people down at the last minute so we went and actually had a lovely evening.

Got home and fell into a deep sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow only to open my eyes at 4am and bolt to the loo where......well don't think I need to go into detail. Let's just say L's lovely meal tasted much better going down than it did coming up!!!

Stopped puking at 5.30, went back to bed have been going between loo and bed ever since. On one trip, I went via the kitchen for a glass of water and some fresh air and took the opportunity to take this blip. They grey sky suited my mood but I turned it green as it better reflects how I feel!!!

Wondering if the antibiotics I'm on for the infection in my tooth is causing this.....or maybe the infection itself. Who's due to come out on Tuesday morning. Here's hoping I'm up to it.

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