An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Bah Humbug!

Today I decided I wanted to blip a bug. Not fussy about which type of bug. Would have settled for any old bug / insect / arachnid so off I went into the garden.

I looked in plants (and weeds!), I looked in the soil, I looked under rocks, I looked everywhere.....but there were none to be found! I can only conclude from this A. bugs don't hang out where they used to. B. Our garden is so boring that the bugs have found a much better place to chill.

Never my search, deep amongst one of the rhoddies (this one infact) I found a few little droplets of water. This is the only pic I have of them as just as the camera clicked, I inadvertantly let go of the little branch, it bounced up and hit my camera and the droplets were no more!

Best viewed BIG

Been a funny old day today. Not really achieved much but did manage to do some ironing and I even put it away immediately, rather than it lie over chairs or hang on door handles for about 3 days like it usually does after I've ironed!

Going to visit friends in Edinburgh for dinner tonight. First time we've been to D & L's new flat. Really looking forward to seeing them and their new gaff and other friends K & F who are coming with us.

I'm driving so will be behaving myself. Still, I'm looking forward to a lie in tomorrow morning :)))

Oh and I am slowly but surely catching up with my comments :))

Happy Saturday Peeps :)) xx

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