
By Chiara


I spent the better part of the day shooting establishment shots for my Production II final film. First, I went down to 18th Street to film an old mansion and the exterior of a museum (it's supposed to be a warehouse in my story.) As I got ready to leave after shooting the museum, the owner of a cafe nearby and his friend approached me and asked some questions.

I then walked to the 12th Street beach with Bob (the cafe owner's friend) and his dog, Mags. He's a very nice & interesting person. He referred me to a place in Lincoln Park where I can take motorcycle lessons (which I really want to do this summer). He also said that they have motorcycles for students to use, so I don't have to worry about bringing one of my own (which would be a huge problem because the only vehicle I own is a bicycle!) Laura, maybe we can sign up for lessons together?

Getting home during rush hour with heavy equipment was not fun. I'm glad I'm finally home, but I have to lug all that stuff back to school tomorrow morning. Gah.

Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments yesterday. I feel more energetic today and my creativity has kicked in, so I'm all good!

Other photos I took today:

Bob & Mags


Meditation at the beach

Little bird looking at the waves


Po-po taking a break - He caught me pointing my camera at him, and later he came up to me and asked if I was taking pictures. I said yeah. He then asked what I was taking pictures of. I then said, "The lake, birds, and you." then laughed. He laughed nervously, but I could tell that he was really confused. Later, I realized that he was actually asking if I was taking photos with my film equipment, which was all packed up by the time he got there. Oops.

Close-up of the tripod.

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