Five things

By fivethings

Yellow roses

1. Today was my best ever run. There have been times over the years that I've been running when you suddenly notice a big difference and today was one of those days. I felt stronger, faster and more comfortable than I ever have. I finished with a big smile on my face.

2. I ran through 4 parks. They are doing something weird with the horse poo in Pollock park - it's normally sat in piles, just waiting for you to run through, but today it's sprayed everywhere. I don't really mind nor do I want to dwelll on it but it makes you think what might be getting dragged in on my shoes. Me with my clean floors an aw.

3. I spend the afternoon with an old friend. I haven't seen her in a very long time and it was good to catch up over tea and biscuits at the kitchen table.

4. She brought me this bunch of yellow roses. Very lovely they are too.

5. Tonight, I needed my dinner to give me a cuddle. It did. Not a buck up, motivational brisk kind of cuddle, more of a 'coorie in, close the windows and snuggle up' kind of cuddle. You can't ask more from your dinner than that on a wet and wild Sunday night.

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