Five things

By fivethings


1. Back in Edinburgh today, bit of a low mood and the women sitting next to me on the train have a conversation about their mothers that makes me feel like crying. It's like they don't realise that they'll get old some day too. Maybe they do, who knows. All I know is I feel better when I get off the train.

2. A lively, chatty and informative meeting where I am shown all the things I could be doing better.

3. I scout around for a nice place for lunch, I leave a couple of places knowing I could do better. I do. A wee place on the way to Haymarket called Fresh. Ace lunch and a ping pong table.

4. From my seat in the window I notice the shop across the road. The Better Beverage Company. I hope it's better on the inside.

5. The only thing that makes a caramel digestive better is a dollop of greek yoghurt and a handful of raspberries.

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