Life in Rangitane

By rangitane2

Kiwi Fruit

Actually, Golden kiwi fruit.
This is not an attempt to create a surreal blip but to show the connection between the fruit and our newly built study. Gordon the builder we are using also owns a 16 acre golden kiwi farm and brought us these fruit this morning ( actually more than twice this amount as we have given a lot away ).
Over coffee and lunch I have learnt quite a bit about the fruit. I knew they were originally called Chinese gooseberries and they originate in China. The majority of the NZ crop are destined for Japan, with a smaller amount for Europe. Apparently the seconds are usually sorted for the local market ie Kiwi Kiwi fruit. His crop are just about ready for harvesting and were tested for sweetness last week by KeriFresh. The heavy rains 2 weeks ago reduced the sugar content so hopefully it will be back up again now.
I could go on about size etc, but I won't.
Here endeth todays lesson on Kiwi fruit production

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