Thistle Down

By Ethel

Poet Soul of a Leader

You are the sheaves of good works,
A man arrayed in truth's bright foil.
And for your many years...we hail thee,
For your service and your toil.

Sending forth God's mighty kingdom,
To be furthered on the earth.
That all mankind might rally onward,
Seeking out eternal worth.

A bulwark, thou has been, and steady,
Like an ever flowing stream.
That searches out the hearts of many,
By the Priesthood's power supreme.

Eyes have lifted up to vision,
Sighted for a higher plane.
Always ready with thy urgings,
Helping him to seek and gain.

All thy years are framed and gilded,
Cast in purpose and upheld.
You have been a mighty torchman,
Setting souls to righteous welds.

Servant of our God, in heaven,
Leader who has faithful been.
You have added strokes of goodness,
Administering to your fellowmen.

Tributes give thee honor,
From the tongue, the pen, the heart.
Ever shall they sound in triumph,
To thy deeds where love imparts.

We will remember thee in serving,
As the days, to years descend.
Forming deep wells for proclaiming,
Praises to thee...without end.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Dedicated to the passing of Marion Duff Hanks. 1921 - August 5, 2011

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