I came across this scene after walking up a bank while waiting for G and T to return from a circuit of a reservoir near Huddersfield. Apparently it is an annual few hours of fun to see which car is left standing. I did see one being driven back to its trailer. Just the one. The rest were being hauled off for scrap.

It was another day of birding, this time a second try for the Western Bonelli's Warbler near Manchester. But it wasn't warbling and the skies were blasting heavy rain showers down on us, again, so no little bird for the twitcher's list.

I took several what I hoped to be melodramatic stormy sky shots but the light was dreadful and the photos are all very dark and flat. Thinking about it now, perhaps it would have been an ideal opportunity to try with black and white. Roll on the next stormy day. I don't expect it will be far away this summer.

An apology was offered and accepted for the disruption of my internet connection last night ..... until the next time ....

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