Humber Bridge

I went over to North Lincolnshire today to do a little job at a Tile Plant.
The area is generally flat, but the monotony is broken up by bits that are level, and then for added interest, there are bits which are not bumpy. All a little reminiscent of Holland really - in fact the place was actually called "little Holland".

I lied a bit, it's not all flat as there are a number of electricity power stations along the way, and they are definitely not flat - although the light was, and so no good for blipping. The other bit that wasn't flat was the Humber Bridge - although it was spanning a piece of water that was very very flat (which is no good for water skiing as that requires water with a slope).
The Bridge was quite inpressive, although there was no vantage point from which to get a good picture, so I though the only thing to do is to get a picture from the bridge itself even though it doesn't give a particulary good idea of how impressive it was.

Update on the luggage - finally delivered to the office in Manchester. Just a shame I was on the other side of the country. Oh well, I'll be re-united with it tomorrow.

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