All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Old & new

I'm on annual leave all week - so nice waking up and knowing I don't have to go to work. Even better that Ethan decided to lie in till 7.10am!

I took him to nursery in the morning so I could catch up on some housework. I picked him up after his lunch though and we drove through to Glasgow to meet some friends. One of them I've met loads of times before but the other I've known on line for a few years now but hadn't actually met in person because she lives in Spain. Finally we got to meet and it was so lovely to meet her and her husband at last. Ethan was a bit tetchy as he'd only had a 1/2 hour nap in the car on the way over so was still tired and he wouldn't have cuddles with her. Hopefully we'll meet again some time when he's a bit happier!

I also took Ethan to Hamleys and he loved charging round the shop, playing with loads of their toys. He was particularly enamoured with these wind up toys and I was surprised I managed to get out of the shop without having to buy him one!

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