The Boy in the Bubble...

I'm not entirely sure why this wee man came to be in this glass but ever since he rested there, he's reminded me of my mum and dad's CD player.

Bit on an odd memory link but it goes a little like this...

It of course looks like he is in a bubble, hence I'm reminded of the song "Boy in the Bubble" from Paul Simon's Gracelands record. Now I'm pretty sure that my Dad's orginal copy of Gracelands got stolen when their house got robbed many years ago and has been since replaced, but he got the record on CD but convincing the man in the Sony shop to throw it in for free as he was buying a HiFi system at the time. This HiFi contained our home's first CD player along with a vinyl turntable, tuner and double cassette deck. We didn't join the CD revolution as early adopters but it was a long time ago.

What amazes me is that this HiFi system as far as I know still completely works.

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