As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

"Cheers" - James

Today was cultural festival today. as usual, we were woken up with Matthew's blaring bagpipes at 8:00 in the morning from across the street. Me and Ben (also known as Bleaker) went to the Pakistani campsite to see if they wanted to do a dinner exchange with us tomorrow night. They didn't have any leaders around so they said that they would get back to us later. After that, me and Ben waited at the Holland house for a while and ate some raisin bun and drank lemonade. We meandered around the main avenue, peeking in all of the countries' headquarters. We played mini-golf in the UK headquarters. Then we went to the main square and took part in a Dance4Life dance party with a bunch of strangers. That was a ton of fun. At 12:00 we had a lunch of soup and bread at camp with everyone before heading out to sample other countries' traditional foods and watch their dances and plays. I walked around with Conor and James. We tried disgusting Marmite, delicious Pakistani curry, and got a lot of candy from some English troops. We even saw ABBA perform live! Well, maybe not, but we did see a troop of Swedish kids put on a performance of ABBA songs. We discussed the meaning of "cheers" and observed how many countries do strange things simply so that they aren't like England, like how Scottish people wear kilts and how Americans don't use the metric system. We had an early dinner (cleaned by my patrol) in order to make it to the show on time. We walked to the arena and got good seats close to the front. We played the card game "President" while we waited for the show to start. The show was okay. The musical guests (Timbuktu and Hoffmaestro) were hard to get into (at least for me) and people in the crowds started doing stupid stuff. For example, someone had a person on their shoulders and they stood on someone else's shoulders. I was so worried about all the people doing dangerous things that I couldn't focus on the show and enjoy it. After the show we walked back to camp and talked with Jenny and James. Some German girls that we met on Tuesday came up to us and told us that yesterday someone dies in our sub camp. We were all shocked and terrified. Matthew heard that it was a Swedish girl that fell off of her gateway. Then we herd how an Irish girl in the site right next to Ruby, Jenny, and James' site was almost dragged out of her tent in the middle of the night. On top of all of this, an IST member tried to break into a tent in the Swedish campsite across the road from us and kids walking alone at night have been jumped. It's so sad and scary to think that at a gathering of scouts, the people that should be trustworthy and loyal, people are getting hurt. I'm having a great time here and everything but maybe it isn't so bad that we're leaving in two days...

This is Abhi being seductive as always.

Word of the Day: Aesopian - Conveying meaning by hint, euphemism, innuendo, or the like

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