As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I'm Changing The World Today

Last day at the jamboree :(

I woke up at 6:00 this morning to shower and pack. We spent all morning packing and taking down tents. After that we had some free time. Me, Craig, and Greg went to the Czech Republic restaurant and had beef goulash. Then I bought a t-shirt and we walked around some more. Greg got this little game where you have to get this thing onto a peg and he hasn't stopped playing it since he got it. We stopped into the Italian headquarters and Greg put on a moose head... I walked around with Jenny for a while in the afternoon. We ate a chocolate bar and reflected on our time at the jamboree. It was sad but a nice way to spend the day. Sam and Harriet shaved Josh while we were waiting for dinner... After we had some sausage for dinner we headed to the last arena show. We were met with a strange sight; they had rearranged the stage into a stage that could be viewed from all sides. We sat pretty close to the front. We watched an awesome show (in the rain) and saw two great Swedish singers perform. The King spoke and we all sang the 22nd World Scout Jamboree song; "Changing The World". It was an amazing show that ended with a spectacular fireworks show.

I had an absolutely unforgettable experience at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. I met awesome people from all over the world and in just ten days I became so close with everyone in my troop. After sharing so many memories with my patrol and troop it will be tough facing the fact that after the reunion and recognition lunch that we're having on Saturday I probably won't see them ever again. It's almost tougher to think about how oceans separate me from my new friends all across the world and what a challenge it will be to cross them and meet again. Hopefully we will all stay in contact for many years to come and our paths might even cross again in the future. I'm so thankful for Scouts and all the opportunities that it has presented me with. I will never forget any of the memories made at this jamboree. I will treasure them always.

This picture is from the closing ceremony.

Word of the Day: Moxie - Vigor; verve; pep

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