An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Outside walking my dog Post Office 3

Today was hectic. Not crazy. But more than I should expect to cram into one day. And I probably haven't mentioned yet in any of my blips that it is hot here.

At work, we had a meeting with our IT folks. Everything is going great except for the things that aren't. And those things are so bad we cannot really try to turn on our new server. They have only been trying to get it right since December. But what is one more week/month/year/decade. Everything is going great.

Went to my men's small group at church. One of the fellows just got out of prison on July 5th and is trying to assimilate back into society. He is still upbeat. He hasn't learned yet that he still needs to be punished. He went to the driver's license place to apply and was told the copy of this birth certificate was not imprint stamped so it could not be used as identification. Social Security card and a Texas issued prison ID was not good enough to verify that he was not a Mexican alien trying to weasel his way into the land of milk and honey. He called the town in Oklahoma where he was born to get another birth certidicate and was told that he needed a drivers license to prove we is who he says he is to confirm he isn't a Mexican trying to weasel his way into the land of milk and honey.

By the time I got home, I needed to walk my big dog, Beemer. He was not very impressed with my photography. He was more interested in the cars and cyclist that sped by. I wanted to take a night shot of the old Main Post Office. Here it is in all of its glory. At night from afar, it looks stunning. But like the aging beauty she is, closer inspection shows all the cracks and blemishes.

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