Eva and the Waterfall

So my first official backblip. Didn't get back to our room until well after the witching hour. Nine hours into our six hour tour I had to very gently mention to our very enthusiastic tour guide Gummy that perhaps I might need to feed my hungry teens. He seemed almost hurt that we wanted to turn back. I would like to be one those rugged adventurous types but twelve hours really was enough for one day. We had to be dropped straight off at our rather fancy restaurant (in very muddy clothes)to make our reservation, So much for my smart frock and party shoes.

We had the sweetest couple along with us on our tour. Eva mentioned that she didn't have a single photo of her bump so we set off to remedy that. How much fun was it for me to have a willing model to pose in front of every dramatic scene? And boy there is some serious drama to behold. I wish I had had a word with some of the landscape photographers here before we arrived. I really can't seem to do them any justice.

See that tiny cross of a figure getting way too close to the waterfall? Yes, that is my mad little man Spencer. The kid is bonkers.

I will have to run now. We have a trip to see the whales booked for this morning. I don't know what I am thinking. I don't think Spence or I have ever been on a boat and not been violently ill. Oh, I'm nervous!

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