
By PrimeMart

Very Raw Swine Schnitzel

Bad Mustereifel#2

I guess we all have days when we feel like this, wallowing in mud, stuck behind bars with no way out. But today, it is not me!

Whilst walking Merryn through the woods we found a farm with deer and wild boar. Tracey tempted them close with apple, and I snapped and blipped. I did get bit of a shock when one slobbered and mouthed my arm whilst I was focussing on another. Another blip injury! I took shots with greater technical merit, but I was drawn to this one.

A good swim this morning followed by a dampfbad; a snooze this afternoon and then a mooch around town with the obligatory visit to the eiscafe.

Today I had spaghetti eis with mixed fruit. Scrummy.

Today?s Travel: 0 miles
Nightly Fee: 9 euros

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