Chris M

By chrism

sing robin sing

What a day!!!!
STILL no washing machine so, fed up with wearing the least smelly of my clothes, I head for the laundrette at a localish caravan park. I call in at the localish bank for change. No, they can't. Wrong bank and no hole in the wall. Advised go to the local shop - trudge trudge. Sorry, Closed - new owners taking over - go to the post office, trudge, Yes we can do cash back, It will cost you 40p if you spend less than £10. A tin of sweetcorn and a small bottle of soy sauce wasabout the limit of what was available so I paid the 40p on top and got my change for the laundry machine. Plod plod plod.
Did that then back to endless tiny pointless, stupid disasters. My computer now tells me that it is Thursday, 1st Jan 1970. And I don't know why or what to do about it.
Took an hour to get this far with blip (endlesss tiny pointless, stupid disasters).
OH Well! better day tomorrow ( as long as the bed doesnt fall through the floor in the night ;) Robin had a good loud sing.

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