They steal sea shells on the sea shores

I think given the bags of seashells we have accumulated over the years, we might be banned from visiting beaches again. This is a 'selection' of some of the yellow collection and assorted others.

Today was quite frankly a weird day. As predicted, I paid a man to do something with a car light bulb which would have undoubtedly taken me hours to do and would have resulted in the battery being unplugged, the chassis dismantled and the cigarette lighter being the only working item in the car.

Weirdness however, much running around going nowhere, football shenanigans with the number one son, the right handed left footer who shall hopefully be running rings run his old man very shortly, much bridge building within the realms of work and a decidedly odd moment when two children, my own I hasten to add, applauded me for being great because I gave them 3, yes 3 unexpected green olives. They were nearly dancing with joy. Oh yes we live on the edge in our house.

Incidentally yesterday's peg bag was naturally purchased containing the collection of dolly pegs.

Today the sun before the return the rain so it was a most pleasant


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