As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

We're Like God's Cheerleaders

What a day.

I feel like I say that all the time...

So day two at VBS: more singing, dancing, crafts, getting soaked, and trips to the snack room than yesterday. After VBS me, my mom, brother, and sister went out to lunch with my old babysitter, Kathleen. We ate at Jani's and ran into Frazer and family there. I love Kathleen sooooo much she is probably my favorite person in the whole world. She moved to the U.S. from London when she was 18 and has been here ever since (almost 40 years?). She's amazing and I love her. End of story.

So...every year at VBS a few of the teachers and TA's get together a few nights and have themed dinners. Now that I'm a TA I was invited to go. Tonight was guido/mafia night. I did my best to dress like a mafia member so I wore a track suit, gold chain, and carried a water pistol with me. I even got my hair did. The dinner was at Pop's house and she really wanted to be blipped today but I didn't have a picture with her and me in it today and I really wanted to show off my spiked up hair so yeah.... Maybe I'll blip her tomorrow because it's her birthday! So Pop made us a lovely dinner of chicken parmigiana, salad, baked ziti, and granola (?). It was awesome. We played Taboo for a long time. Tim needs to get better at that... Those in attendance are as follows; me, Chris, Elizabeth, Mrs. Woods, Tim, Pop, Pop's mom, Danielle. Lisa, and Gabriella. I had an awesome night and I'm looking forward to more theme nights to come in the near future!

This is Tim, Chris, and I with our hair all guidoed up.

Word of the Day: Amaranthine - Unfading; everlastin

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