Views of my world

By rosamund


I spent quite a lot of time in Once a Sheep today as there was good company inside and horrible weather outside.

Innes is the resident spinning guru, and today it was Noah's turn to be assimilated, I mean, to benefit from her expertise and enthusiasm. He had a shot of her whirly Mayan whatsit that she picked up at woolfest and made a good go of it. As I was taking this photo, Freya commented that we have an almost identical image of Innes teaching her how to spin on a wheel, I learned to spin watching Innes teach Eileen, and I am now able to pass those skills on. As Innes says, resistance is futile.

She is an incredibly inspirational woman and is responsible for all the beautiful hand-dyed yarns and fibres that feature in my craft work. She is embarking on an Estonian adventure soon and I can't wait to hear of her travels, and see what treasures she brings back.

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