Views of my world

By rosamund


Very busy day today sorting things out at Carlos' flat getting ready to put it on the market. Managed to get it cleared and cleaned today and painted the kitchen and half the hall, it was all hands on deck so really got through loads. We're all doing the same again tomorrow and Marisol is coming along to help out too so will hopefully achieve all that we want to.

We were all exhausted so had a nice relaxing evening which was rounded off with a spot of stargazing. The meteor forecast was good for the 11th-14th with the peak due to be on the morning of the 13th (00.00-3.00am). As that's the day I go back to work I thought we should try our luck as the conditions tonight were so good.

Cosy socks, fluffy hoodies, warm blankets, bum cushions, hot chocolate and cookies were all taken out to the front steps where it was surprisingly comfortable to lie back and watch the sky.

We saw loads of meteors and it was awesome. I was very achy when I tried to get up from my reclined position and only just realised that will be because I was lying there for almost 2 hours! Time flies when you're having fun. If the conditions are good tomorrow might have another go, after all this lot only come past once every 133 years.

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