1st Idea

I liked the silhouette...................

2nd Idea
Nah - looks too grumpy (but wasn't)

3rd Idea
Very close to making the cut ........ very close indeed

4th Idea
SWMO thought it would work .............. too yucky for me
(it was sliding across the window)

The weather was foul today so we didn't go anywhere today (good choice to go to the zoo yesterday) - we just played with Duplo and read books.

Bags (formally known as daughter) took the Cygnet shopping later in the afternoon.
I took the call from her in tears .............. the Cygnet had been violently sick in Morrisons and she got NO HELP from the staff.
No first aider.......no help in cleaning him......... no help in packing the shopping or getting the shopping to the car (he threw up as she was paying).................NOTHING

I have drafted a letter to the manager.

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