Round 3

I was up early this morning and typed up 'my' minutes of last nights meeting (it will be weeks before the official ones are released)
They will be used as ammunition in the next round of battle.

One of the interesting things that came out of the meeting is that the main antagonists in the 'Committee' are of the opinion that a constitution is not a legal document and they can do what they like with it. There was even a comment from the leader of the pack that that even if the membership voted against the proposed new contitution (which is not being given to the members before - or even at - the meeting will be read out to them) the 'Committee' could put it in place anyway.

Whilst typing up my notes it occurred to me that there was a fairly major breach of the Data Protection Act being committed.
I am going to love breaking the news of that one to them.

Vindictive and twisted?
Too right!

I even showed the letter to somebody who worked with a very high up and well known lawyer.
Yes - it is libelous
tee hee!

Bags (formally known as daughter) is looking like she is pretty close to delivering.
The sooner the better for everyone.
Apparently there is a sweep on at her husbands work as to the babies weight.

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