Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Welsh Assembly, Cardiff Bay

There's a moral to this story here. I was working at Cardiff Monday and Tuesday, but its now Wednesday evening and I've only just had a decent chance to get on here and blip.

Its been a busy week since I got back... My work laptop has gone on the blink and I've had to recover some files off the hard drive to carry on with my test reports. Home is busy as well, with both kids being equally demanding in different ways.

Going back to Cardiff, I did have a nice wander round after work to get a few shots - this one being my favourite.

And the moral to the story... Well, I need to persuade my boss that the laptop isn't worth fixing and that I need a new one. Then I can install a copy of Elements, so I can do my photo processing when I am working away (and upload any blip on the same day). Mmmm there's a thought!

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