
By Tinks


It's been a very busy day for me and for most of it my head's been pounding! Then just to top it off, Jade fell of her pony at riding tonight!

This was my day.......

Took Archie to Health Visitor for 2 year check up ... he's normal! HOORAH!!!

Beautiful weather; Lid down on car for first time this year! OH YEAH!!!

Head started to thump; BOO ;)

Went out for lunch with Toll, Louis and Henry! GGGGREAT ;)!!

Back home, head really THUMPING! OW!

Got Jade off school bus, wanted to take her horse riding like I wanted a whole in the head! MY head was pounding! ARGH!

Took her anyway, like good Mum's do! AH ;)!

Took some photos, like blippers do! CLICK!

Head still Thumping! BUDUMBUDUMBUDUM!

During a 'bouncer' or a 'up down up down' she came off! THUMP!

She cried ;( SNIFF!

But she got back on and jumped again! Well done Jade ;) WHOOP WHOOP!

Got home, hot chocolate and warm bath for Jade! AWE:) !

Paracetamol for me! OUCH!!

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