
By Tinks

Jade's Friend!

Took Jade for her last trip to the eye specialist in Bielefeld today. She did remarkabley well and read to the same line down with her right and left eye through her lenses. The eye specialst was most impressed, as well as a little disappointed that Jade was being signed off as a patient after achieveing a remarkable result! She will have to attend a different specialist once we've moved in 4 weeks times and I was given very special instructions as to what the new specialist should be doing with her and when and how they should change her perscription... Jade has obviously been a very special patient to them, which was really touching!

Later this afternoon, her friend Amy came around to play. I was in the back garden happily blipping some bright yellow broom in one of my boarders as she turned up! So I took a quick couple of snaps... and here she is!

I love the happiness of this shot! A great end to a 'feel good' day... and my headache's gone (HOORAY!!) and Jade's only moaned a few times that her back's sore, which means it's not really, 'cos if it really hurt her I'd have ear ache!! LOL ;)

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