
By cracker

Light Painting

It was a rainy and cold day today so Spence and I decided to go shopping in Leongatha after the mattresses were delivered this morning. Dad decided he would come too as it was too wet for him to do the jobs he wanted to do! While we were waiting for Dad, we went and visited Pop and then Nana which was nice.

We did our shopping then went out to Mum and Dad's house and played games with Mum for a bit, then came home, had tea and waited for Kaz to come home! Spence and I experimented with his torch in the dark for my blip today! I have increased the shadows in Picasa to take Spence out of it!

Kaz is now on holidays which is fantastic! Tarsh, Scott, Ethan and Laura are coming to stay on the weekend which will be great! The weather is meant to pick up!

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