
By cracker

Bunk Beds

Spence and I stayed at home today waiting for a delivery of two mattresses for the new bunk beds we bought. The shop called us yesterday saying that it would be here today, probably mid morning. I decided that since they were coming, I might as well put the two sets of bunks together so the mattresses had somewhere to go!

First I had to take apart the two single beds that were in Spencer's room then give it a vacuum then start putting the bunks together. The instructions said you needed two people and since Kaz is still away on work, I called my lovely sister, Shell, to see what her and Ella were doing today! She was at work for the morning but said she could come over at lunchtime!

I started at 10.30 and by 1.30pm I still hadn't finished one set! Luckily Shell arrived then and we finished that one off and started on the other one! By 5pm we had nearly finished the second set and Shell had to go home!

Spence wanted to hold Ella so we got him to sit on the couch and I put Ella on his lap. She lasted there about 10 seconds before Spence said he wanted her off! She was too heavy!! We then sat her next to Spence on the couch and it was so cute! Spence gave her a cuddle and a kiss and they checked each other out!

The mattresses hadn't turned up by 5pm so I called the shop and the guy said they were due for delivery tomorrow, not today! So we stayed at home today for nothing!! Well, not for nothing, we did get the bunks put together and it rained most of the day anyway!!

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