
By Juleshki

Decisions, decisions...

Mmm, should I get up now or lie here a bit longer? Yep, a bit longer I think, there's no rush. Then I'll just help myself to a few Go-Cat biscuits and then it's me off out for the night.

So much on the menu at this time of year. Mice, voles, frogs and rabbits everywhere! Although the ones we've got around here at the moment, the rabbits that is, are just a bit too big for me. Who's feeding them, I ask?! Could manage a small one, I suppose. I like to see them when the headlamps light them up on the drive and they can't make up their mind which way to go.

Not seen any deer around for a while. Yeah, they're definitely too big for me, even a small one. I'm good, but I'm just not that hungry!

Trouble is, in the morning when I come in for breakfast after a night on the prowl, everyone goes "Urgghh, Jakey!" if I've still got blood on my cheeks.

Night all.

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