Family Dog

By Family_Dog

crazy in the.....

Have you ever seen the film of Roddy Doyle's 'The Snapper'? If not - you should. It's bloody brilliant. In my opinion, even better than The Commitments, which is also brilliant.

There's a few bits in it that I used to rewind over and over and over and over and over again and play back and hoot over - sometimes alone, sometimes with other people. Okay, mainly alone but what can I tells ya? It's very funny.

I am unable to hear of a baby's weight without thinking of this scene and similarly, I am unable to think of coconuts without thinking of the drunken Irish dads all sitting about waiting to hear the punchline of this joke:

(Mother in Law, Mother, RUDE JOKE ALERT!!!)

I'll scroll down a bit to give them a bit of time to realise they shouldn't be reading any further.

Mum! Stop reading. Kathy! Look away now.

Do not scroll down any further parents...

Okay. I think I'm safe now.

So. The rude joke.....

Whats soft and moist on the inside.
Hairy on the outside.
Begins with a C.
Ends with a T.
And has a U and an N in it?

A c-c-c-.....


Of course. What else would it be?

Mother! Kathy! If you read this then you were warned not to!

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