Family Dog

By Family_Dog

reflective reflection

I love my living room window, it reflects so much of our livingroom and gives it a weird photo shop look, but (as anybody who actually knows me will know) there's no jiggery pokery gone on here...

Our table has always sat in this spot and throughout the 6 1/2 years we've lived here, I've often caught a scene in the glass whilst I've been throwing my head (and my glass of wine) back with laughter. Friends around the table mixing drinks before or after clubs and parties, Bry sitting at the laptop making music with new software, Arlo playing with his Fisherprice house, me with my glass of wine and magazine.

Life in otherwords. Sometimes, I think, the best bits are the tiny little moments that you don't even realise are happening around you until you have a minute to sit back and reflect.

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