Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Family Camp's Finale

The last full day of family camp is jam-packed with activity and with emotion.

Everyone knows it is our last full day together. It's a week that will never be repeated. We'll never be at this same place in our personal lives; we'll never be with all these same campers; most of us are missing the conveniences of home just enough that going home is a pleasant thought; most of us have had just enough of a relaxed, casual, refreshing week on the ocean's edge that going back to the mainland and the mixture of choas brings a bit of hesitation. So most of us resist mentioning that it's the final day together.

The morning is group time with activities for the youngsters and the adults have a small group time; we captured a photo of the two of us just as our small group was beginning. Talk about looking wiped-out--sheeeeesh, I look terrible with my hair all pulled back--oh well!Then the second half of the morning we're all together in a larger meeting. Then lunch; immediately followed by family time in the cabin and we had the only buffalo in camp follow us to our cabin (well, actually he slowly munched his way there while eating little clumps of island grass). Tristan and Great-Grandpa Fun were just outside the cabin with this monsterous mammal made his guest appearance.

Later in the afternoon Tristan and Grandpa headed for the shoreline. Every afternoon these two spent time at the beach reading. Tristan is not real fond of the water, so he opts for reading. Friday is the "Milk Carton Boat Race" -- Tristan won it last year, but last year his mommy was with us and she built the boat. This year we elected to just be spectators.

As the evening approaches, everyone from young to old gets all spiffed-up for the "Banquet." It is usually a great time for a family photo. Getting Tristan to learn how to smile for a photo was hilarious. You can see we didn't succeed. The final photo is a look into the banquet scene.

The banquet is always a meaningful evening. The camp chef with his volunteer staff and his (I'm sure) less than gourmet kitchen creates a most delicious first class meal. We always over-eat at this event (actually, we over-eat all week long). Special music is performed throughout the evening and after the meal campers are given an opportunity to come to the microphone and tell a little about their week, the things they've learned, and what was meaningful and memorable for them. It is always fun to hear the perspective of others. When the evening concludes everyone helps get the dining hall back into place for the next morning, everyone gathers their kids, and it's cabin time and lights out for the last time this week.

It's been a good week! Good night from Catalina Island.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Little Tristan), aka Carol

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