Year Three

By RobotChicken

44/62 Lukmanier Pass, Switzerland

Got a few hours to kill today as I'm not due into Andermatt until late afternoon at the earliest. Not many miles to cover either as I did nearly all of them (400-450) yesterday. So maybe 20-30 miles today.

Decided to make a few (about 10 stops) on the way to Andermatt from the top of Lukmanier (Lucomagno) Pass.

Can't remember what village this picture looked at, but this road isn't exactly obvious. This is not taken from a main road. To find this road meant following some local roads that look more like long driveways (buy are public), across a high bridge, and up to a small hamlet. I was going to follow the road further but there were some big "No Cars/Bikes" signs around. So this was the highest I could get easily.

Unfortunately my knees aren't good enough to go walking up the sides of mountains, and nor are my mountaineering flip flops for that matter. Flip flops slightly lacking in the support department it would seem.

Someone suggested that I get the walking sticks that the ramblers had to aid me. I suggested that they rot in hell. Or something close to that ;) I'm not going to give the impression that I'm a cripple at this stage of my life.

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