Bring it on, Mummy!

21months 23days

This little miss was literally begging me to tickle her more this morning! And yes, that sleepsuit really is that pink.

We've had a pottering kind of day. She got up quite early, so we had a long play together first thing. She did some drawing, we played with the dolls house. I went up for a bath, and she followed, although wasnt actually begging to get in (most unusual!) She curled in the towel and my pyjamas on the floor, a little grizzly, so I huried out and she wasnt best amused that I took her (my) towel from her. I asked if she wanted a blanket. She did. And she wanted properly swaddling. I laid her on my bed so I could get dressed and she snuggled into Monkey and fell asleep!

I left her for an hour, got her up to go out and do the things we had planned. She went back to sleep in the car. We got to the shops - we'd gone to stock up on big girl vests/more pants after a tip off from a friend that they had got tiddlypeeps sizes back in stock. Sadly, I think everyone else heard too and all the prettiest ones had gone, but she's still very excited with her little white with bows vests. Although she did just try to put them on like knickers. After she'd picked her new pants (yellow - her current favourite colour) she said "i want it bread". With the addition of please, we did go and find bread. And she troughed a full roll, then some strawberries.

We went to meet a friend and had a walk. She was on a mission to go very fast. She spotted the cheese straw shop (she can see them from a mile off!) so had one before carrying on with her high-speed mission. We found the old fashioned sweet shop and only left with three items.

We came home to drop off shopping and are off out to feed the ducks shortly. She's currently sat singing "Polly put the kettle on", whilst trying to chew her own toes.

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