
21months 22days

The blip is Katie playing this morning with a new toy she's got. It involves sorting by shape and number on a pegboard thing. But she decided that first of all she would sort by colour.

We've had a very exciting day. We were supposed to go to toddlers, until I remembered its not on this morning, so Harrison & Aiden came to our house with their mum to play. The children had a nice time, playing with the HappyLand stuff, and the sorting toy, eating lots of snacks. But several times, she was asking about a train. She was adament she wanted to see a train. Harrison then wanted a train because Little Miss did. So we decided we'd go for it, packed a picnic and headed off.

We drove to the nearest station, to go to the city. We missed a train by two minutes, but it wasnt a problem as they come every 15minutes. However, it took 1hour 15minutes because just after the train we missed, one broke down on the line! The children had a picnic in the waiting room, where they played, read the leaflets and were very good. They were SO excited when the train arrived.

They spent the journey sat at the windows, Katie waving hello at trees, houses, even a door. The journey was only 15minutes, and when we arrived we pottered in a few shops we needed to go in. I got some bargains put away from the sales for next summer for her, before we took them for ice cream. We went to one more shop and headed off back to the station late afternoon. Katie asked to come up and promptly fell asleep on my shoulder, missing the whole journey home on the train, only waking up as the train pulled away from the platform after we'd got off, bless her! But she was still very excited to see another train.

All in all, a really good day with lovely friends.

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