Worry pas ta brain

By worry_pas

Pause (please).

Stumbled on this while I was checking the news this morning.
Even as a very ex-catholic I have been profoundly embarrassed by the church's continued use of jewel bedecked body parts to solicit the ignorant - but this beggars even my level of skepticism at the Catholic hierarchy's ability to notice which millennium we happen to have reached.

A little note from Wikipedia about the guy:
'The founder of Rome's Catholic university hospital concluded Padre Pio was "an ignorant and self-mutilating psychopath who exploited people's credulity." In short, he was accused of infractions against all three of his monastic vows: poverty, chastity and obedience.'

Can anyone pause our regression back into the darkest of ages?

(I played a bit in Photoshop but only with light and colour - the lord of the machine supplied the rest.)

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