All night long

Dancing tonight with the Soldier and some other friends at a nearby dancing stage. A popular Finnish schlager band Neljänsuora (translates to "Straight of Four") was playing there, so loads of peope had gathered to listen to their funky show, plus that their drummer was playing his penultimate gig before leaving his musical career, so there really was people there.

As always, me and E had a special advantage of getting in without paying for tickets - good for us! Anyway, I really enjoyed the show and though it's been a while since my last dancing steps, I managed to get to the rhythm quite soon. In the end, the band played my favourite song of theirs, "Mansikkaa ja valkoapilaa" (which translates to "Strawberry and White Clover"). Neljänsuora has indeed got the power but without forgetting the softer side, which is why I like that band a lot. Great show, great people, great day!

Ah well, tomorrow will be a great day in many ways, too. Two enthusiastic dancing teachers, my uncle and his bride, are getting married and will be celebrating their great day at the same dancing stage I visited tonight. So... lots of dancing, great Karelian spirit and bloody gorgeous other stuff soon to come! And my case? To bloody photograph it all!

Ps. E asked the lead vocalist of Neljänsuora to write his autograph on her wallet: now E has a bloody rare wallet!

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