Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Wonderfully Wet Whitley Bay

Well we survived the two trains and the Metro ride to Granny's. Both kids were really well behaved and there was a lovely lady on the East Coast Train who helped me off with Carys, a suitcase, a change bag and Carys' rucksac, which was great as I had forgotten that Newcastle is now a closed station so Grandad couldn't actually meet us off the train and William was protesting at being woken when I put him in the ergo.

Once there the kids needed to blow off a little energy, so never mind the rain, puddlesuits and wellies on we went down to the links and the beach and the park. I think I was the only mad parent out there but they didn't care and had a whale of a time. The best bit being when we got home they were totally dry. Good old puddle suits.

Then we had a visit from (Great) Aunty Cathy and Bridget, who it is always lovely to see. They were thoroughly spoilt, Bridget gave Carys a set of fairy wings and a wand and William a football. Aunty Cathy gave Will a jigsaw set and Carys the most beautifully knitted doll called Emily, complete with hat, dress and bloomers.

Hoping for better weather tomorrow.

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