
Snow has brought hoards of birds to the feeders. The little couple have to compete with others who are attracted to the apple. I love the defiant attitude of the male as he confronts the blackbird, while the female sits smugly by, confident in the authority of her mate.

More of this little couple.

I awoke this morning to a hard frost, invisible because the bitter wind had blown all the moisture away. When I went outside to pick up my newspaper the lawn was as solid as concrete. No sign of the threatened snow. Even the hills were bare. Then I switched on the radio and was astonished by the news. Snow had fallen over much of the country, even as far north as Auckland! South Island highways were closed, cities and towns all over were closed. Christchurch was under a thick blanket of snow again. It all seemed incredible. However, it did start at breakfast time, and has continued pretty much all day.

Just after the snow began I had a cheery phone call from a member of the local volunteer fire brigade telling me that if I need any firewood to be taken in, or my paths cleared, or anything, I need only give them a call and somebody would come to help me. These men are great. Not only do they drop whatever they are doing at the sound of the siren, to rush off to a fire or a road accident, but they also do community work. A few weeks ago I had a surprise delivery of a load of sawn logs. I was told that the brigade had cleared a big tree that had been blown down. They decided to cut it into firewood and share it out among the elderly of the district. Once I got over the shock of being numbered among the elderly I was delighted at the gift. The logs are green, but next winter they will give me at least a month's warmth.

Thank you for all the views, comments and hearts for my shot yesterday. I'm so thrilled.

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