Photography By Natasha

By PhotographyByMe

Just a little nipper!

If there is one thing I have learnt to date about photography, is it can be so incredibly rewarding when things go right, it can be incredibly frusting when things go wrong...when trying to capture the perfect picture.

This then leads me to the question, what is the perfect picture? Is it about the composition? Is it about the great lighting? Is it the perfect subject? One question can lead to a million thing is for sure, you see the picture above, it is the perfect picture, allow me to explain.

Today my eldest went for a swim lesson this morning and having lived by the seaside every day of my life for the last 30 *cough*, something years, I have never been crabbing.

I walk the seafront so often, see the tourists and other locals crabbing in the river yet have never done this at all, so today all that changed. Me, hubby and the boys went to the river after swimming and began our first adventure of crabbing and within minutes we were completely hooked! (pardon the pun, even though we used a bag not a hook!).

We sat by the river and had fish and chips for lunch and spent our day crabbing and we caught 8 crabs! This little nipper was our first! may now be asking what makes this picture perfect? Because everytime I look at it, I will remember my first time crabbing with the most wonderful people in my life, something so simple creates such a lasting impression...the squeal of my boy when he saw this little one being lifted out of the water on the net...the attempt of my younger son trying to prounouce *brab* for crab!! So you see, everytime I look at this picture, it will bring back such wonderful memories...and that for me makes it perfect.

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