Photography By Natasha

By PhotographyByMe

Incy wincey...go away!

Well after yesterdays delight, today has seen some gloomy rainclouds that have still to offload and a garden full of spiders...meaning only one thing, Autumn is coming...meaning one more thing, just a little over two weeks left of the holidays.

So you see...I don't like spiders, although I don't mind Autumn or indeed Winter, I have loved having my boy home in the holidays and now thanks to the spiders I have been reminded it is all coming to an end far to fast! So I felt it appropriate to blip the spider in all its hairyness!!! Bloomin spiders!

I can wait for the peace and quiet, I can wait for the hectic mornings, I can wait for just me and the little one being on our own again, you see cause I love having my family with me...only one thing for it, going to make the most of each day and cherish our time till school starts again.

If only the rainclouds had emptied then incy wincey would have been washed away and I could have had just one more day ignorant!

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