
By suresnes

Greek statue

D posing shirtless (obviously) and with a bungee cord laurel wreath as a Greek status on the Pont Alexandre III. S did it too afterwards and got shouted at by the police to get off the bridge!

Today I met up with D at about 1.30pm - impressive, considering I had got in at 6am. We went for lunch, as she had just got off work, and I had a lovely ham sandwich. We then wandered down the Champs Elysées and had a look in H&M and then I went off to meet the boys at Louvre Rivoli. We were planning on going to the Louvre, but they decided to go to Musée D'Orsay instead which was good because I had tried three times to get in there with my mum and failed every time. This time we succeeded but only just - it was 4.30 and the museum was closing at 5.30! S and I got in free because I'm an EU citizen and he was born in the UK which he can prove because of his passport. (He lives in Canada.) M, S's brother, was not best pleased because although their parents are English and consequently they are British citizens, he was born in Canada so had no way of proving this.

The museum was excellent, and I managed to genuinely appreciate some art, and learnt some greek mythology and stuff. S and I are museum soul mates, we have decided. Afterwards we went along the river to aforementioned bridge where S and D posed, and then we walked to Concorde where they all got crepes, and then got the metro back to their hostel where we made LOADS of pasta. Afterwards we played drinking games such as Never Have I Ever, where a girl made me realise I had never been kissed in front of the Eiffel Tower. Two years here. Pretty shabby. Halfway through the game, everyone decided to go buy more alcohol. S and I followed them after going to the toilet but couldn't find them so gave up and went and sat next to the Sacre Coeur for ages. It started raining so we sought shelter under a tree in a locked park - very Notting Hill. We could see the Eiffel Tower and the Sacre Coeur from the park, and consequently that makes two monuments I have been kissed in front of now! :)

Got back to the hostel about three hours later and M was really angry because he had no idea where we'd been, and was super worried. Whoops. D and S walked me to the bus stop and I got home about 5am. It was raining all the way home, but I still saw the ferrets.

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