
By suresnes


Nerve wracking photo, trying not to drop my camera. Left to right - M, S, D.

Met them at 2pm at Trocadero, after seeing French family again for the first time in three weeks! Was so nice to see them, particularly smallest child who is still GODDAMN adorable.

Walked up the Eiffel Tower to the second level, couldn't be bothered to queue for two hours and pay and extra 5? to get the lift up to the top. That's it then, really - I am officially not going to get up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Quietly pleased at this act of rebellion ;) After that, we went to Trocadero again, got crepes and sandwiches, and ate them on the grass. Then we went to the Architecture museum in Palais Chaillot because M is an architect, and D is an engineer. S and I, as, respectively, political science and speech therapy majors, were less interested so spent most of the time getting excited by the tiny models that were there! We also decided that the Palais de Justice in Bordeaux is the place to get tried for a crime, as it looks like this. You get tried in the pods. Amazing.

After that, we went to the Arc de Triomphe and I finally got to go up it! It was really really pretty from the top - the sun had come out, and I could see my hill and S and I wandered around with me pointing stuff out to him. Lovely. After that we got the metro up to Montmartre where S and D had a 'leaping over bollards' race, and we had a meal in a restaurant run by a crazy Chinese lady who tried to short change us and then had a go at me after I tried to get the rest of our money. She called me annoying! I got the money though, so it was okay. Still a bit traumatising! We then wandered through Montmartre afterwards and posed on bollards and tried to remember the words to 'Eye of the Tiger'. We failed.

We then went back to their hostel and hung out there until about 4.30am when we decided to mission it down to a 24 hour bakery, where S got shouted at for taking ages to make up his mind. I caught the nightbus back to mine, and got back about 6am. Mental. I saw the Ferrets of Suresnes on my way back home again.

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