
By Fi


The primary purpose for our little jaunt to Munich. The dates were suitable for all five of us and came about because we couldn't get tickets for a UK concert. Add to that it was J's birthday today and it meant a weekend away at the same time. Win-win-win!

Breakfast was an extended one, J opened the presents that we'd all brought and she's not one to tear open the wrapping paper, instead (wisely) savouring the moment and the excitement of discovering what's inside!

We hit the streets of Munich and took in the sights at street and church spire level before hitting a beer garden for a late lunch, but taking the waitress' advice to move inside, who sensed that the dark clouds would be doing their thing before too long! The umbrellas were not substantial enough to keep us covered and so we enjoyed our sausages /pork knuckle lunches and wheat / light beers in the comforts of a lively and atmospheric beer hall.

A quick hour or two back at the hotel before we geared ourselves up for the journey out to the Olympic stadium - the weather was perfect after the earlier downpours and stayed dry all night. We took our seats just as the Pet Shop Boys came on to do their support act, but I (unwisely) chose to enjoy the sounds of that from the massive loo queue - as thousands of other girls did the same thing - before TT came onto stage.

A good time was had by all - totally different to their Circus tour in 2009, primarily because four became five again. Much as we all enjoyed it - (hell, I was like a 17yr old when Robbie came on) we felt it was a bit dis-jointed. Still - we walked away at the end of it, with their final song stuck in our heads. "Eight Letters, three words..."

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