Final breakfast and morning in Munchen. Tram'd it out to the Palace on our group travel ticket (free from our hotel) and kept us on public transport all weekend). The fresh air and walk did us all the world of good as we turned our noses up at the very thought of word 'bier'. We had a refreshing ice-lolly stop, before I had to hot-foot it back to the hotel ahead of them, as my flight was departing earlier than theirs.

Aside from a slight problem buying my train ticket to get on the airport train, it all went very smoothly and Munich airport gets a thumbs up (in contrast to Frankfurt, which gets a firm thumbs down from me).

And then I landed in Warsaw. In torrential rain. And waited on the plane for over 30mins, before they brought steps. And then it took another 20 before the buses turned up. The luggage however, took over two hours to appear. Yes, two HOURS!
I was meant to be at Simon's for supper at 7.30pm, reasonable given that I was due to land at 5.30 I thought, but I didn't leave the airport until gone 8pm. Ugh.

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