Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Space - the final frontier

It's not been a good day here, overcast, heavy feeling in the air, rain not too willing to help relieve the tension, even though it has :-(
Work is not too good either, workload being added to quite markedly, but hey ho its just work, a means to an end :-(
Not feeling too good really, but it will pass
Thought I'd show you a small collection of models I have, not seen the light of day in years
They are models of space craft and some represent events in the history of space travel
Back Row - left to right, Apollo 8 - the first manned mission to orbit the moon
SaturnIV rocket taking off
Soyuz rocket taking off
Apollo 13 (it even has the a side panel blown off)
Third Row - left to right, Neil Armstrong stepping off the Eagle
The first American to walk in space (Ed White I think)
Second Row - left to right, Surveyor lunar lander
Lunakhod lunar rover
Gemini space capsule docking with an Agena rocket
A Lunar orbitor, not sure what they were called
First Row - left to right, Sputnik
Pioneer 10 (the first mission to explore jupiter)
At the very front is a little glass cube, which has an image of the Andromeda galaxy in it, our nearest galactic neighbour, I think it looks rather nice :-)

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