Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

To the fallen

Todays blip comes striaght from the War memorial garden in Boston. Some of you may or may not know i used to be a tank gunner in the Queens Royal Lancers and have had the honour of earning a medal for service to my country. I have also been lucky enough to end my career safe and alive which is more than i can say for a good few of my friends.

I have complete respect for anyone who has done or is currently serving in HM forces. The other day i was in ASDA when i was a veteran sitting at a stall in aid of the royal british legion. He must have been 90 years old wearing a paratrooper beret which must have been near as old. He had enough medals to put John J and Casey fucking Ryback to shame. But still the disrespectful society of today just passed him by without a second glance. It makes me sick to think what this guy has seen and done for his country and people can't even spare 5 minutes to show their gratitude.

As alway i empited my change into his collection tub and thanked him for what he has done. I small price to pay for a life time of service to this country

I'd like to dedicate todays blip to

Cpl Ben 'Joker' Leaning, Cpl Steve Allbutt, Sgt Wanye 'mavis' Rees, Tpr Kristen Turton, and Tpr David Clarke RIP Lancers, put on your old stable jackets

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