Tay Ghillie

By challum


Well a dream came true today as we made it to the remotest inhabited island in Great Britain. Foula lies 24 miles West of West Burra and has a population of 40. We planned an overnight camping trip and took the 15 minute flight from Tingwall Airport to the rough landing strip on Foula. From here we headed to the two hills on the island and stood on top of the second highest sea cliffs in the country, before descending to Da Nord Banks to camp overnight. In gorgeous weather it was probably the most picturesque natural scenery I have had the pleasure to witness.

The photo is of a Great Skua (or Bonxie) which is the only seabird that breeds in both the North Atlantic and Antarctic. Foula has 3000 pairs of them, much to the detriment of other bird life on the island. The Arctic Skua is now hard to even find on the island whereas it used to be the main skua species. When you see the Bonxie in action its amazing any birds survive as this 'pirate of the skies' chase down everything from as small as a Dunnock up to something the size of a gannet.

I wish I could show you more photos.

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